Fax Machines in the Pharmacy

Yes faxes still play a large role in the pharmacy industry believe it or not. Having a fax machine is a must for any pharmacy mostly because doctors and facilities still rely on this technology to communicate with the pharmacy.

We setup all our pharmacies to use traditional fax machines and fax lines. They are reliable and can serve as a backup if the primary phones go down, calls can be routed to the fax machine in emergencies. We often get asked the question about online fax options. They will work but we do not recommend those. Don’t be confused if your pharmacy software offers an online fax for e-scribes that is very different and your pharmacy should surely use e-scribes.

More than just a fax machine.

A fax machine these days come as 3 in 1 systems including a copy function that can used for quickly coping documents or ID cards. Another useful option for fax machines are using them as a backup phone line or a backup printer if your main printers are having issues.

Setup your faxes to go directly into the pharmacy system.

Most pharmacy software will allow you to send your incoming faxes directly into your pharmacy software inbound que, that way you can see all your faxes within your software. Also most pharmacy systems can fax out using your fax number as well.

Fax servers in the pharmacy.

Some larger pharmacies will use a fax server. Fax servers are often used in Long Term Care facilities where nursing homes and other facilities still rely on traditional fax machines to fax in requests to the pharmacy. Fax servers are great for auditing whether a fax was sent and storing faxes locally. Contact us if you are interested in learning more about fax servers for pharmacies.

ConfigRX specializes in Fax Systems and have installed over 50 fax systems in pharmacies across the country. Our start a pharmacy package as well as our buy a pharmacy audit includes our fax system service. Contact us if you have questions about your pharmacy fax system. Our pharmacy consultant will be happy to assist you.