
Pharmacy Internet and Phone Search

Starting or buying a pharmacy? Already a pharmacy owner? Worried your paying too much for an unreliable phone or internet service? We are here to help!

Leverage our connections and save your pharmacy money by using our FREE internet and phone provider search. 85% of all pharmacies are usually overpaying for telecom. Start saving money every month today!

ConfigRX will search for you at NO COST internet and phone options for your pharmacy. We have partnered with 98% of all telecom providers in the coutnry to bring you discounted rates. Our rates are almost always better than going direct to the providers.

By allowing ConfigRX to shop for your internet and phone service for FREE, we can choose a provider that is reliable and affordable. There are many providers to choose from & with our provider search below you can be assured you’re choosing the right internet and phone service for your pharmacy software system.

Already have an internet or phone provider? No problem, let us shop for you to see if you can save money by switching to a reliable and better quality phone or internet service. The service is free and there is nothing to lose. See the form below and we will search the providers in your area as well as VOIP options which usually have better monthly rates.


Type in your pharmacy address and ConfigRx will send you a FREE proposal from all the providers in your area for Internet (Fiber and Cable) and Phone services. Our rates are usually better than going directly to the providers.

We can receive discounted quotes from 95% of the ISPs across the country including: Spectrum, Lumen, Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, Mediacom, Charter etc..

Interested services:

How to be contacted

What current service do you have?

2 + 13 =

Please allow 1-2 business days for a response.