Kimmel-Chaplain Pharmacy: Helping a HealthMart Pharmacy switch pharmacy systems and designing them a custom template-free website.

Kimmel-Chaplain pharmacy was switching pharmacy systems and had a good number of patients that uses their website to request refills. They didn’t want to lose the ability for customers to input refills once they changed pharmacy systems so McKesson sent them to ConfigRX and we took over. After a few e-mails we had a very good idea what type of website they were looking for and we got to work.
We delivered some mock-ups, took in some feedback and came up with a stunning non-template website that really focuses on the pharmacy and allows patients to refill their prescription on the website that goes into the inbound que on Pharmaserv. Check out the website here
If you are interested in a custom website for your pharmacy that integrates directly into your pharmacy system contact us.
Benton, IL
To develop a website that integrates refills with their new Pharmacy software.
Kimmel-Chaplain now has a custom (not templates) website where patients and doctors can request refills 24/7 and learn more about the services the pharmacy offers.