Cameras usually are not required in most states by your state board however we high recommend you have them installed in your pharmacy. They serve more than just a security feature. A lot of pharmacies use their cameras for when a drug has gone missing or need to lookup what happened when a certain rx was filled. You don’t need to have a fancy PTZ camera system that will cost your thousands of dollar. A simple DVR and 8 camera system will be adequate for most pharmacies. Here are a few tips and recommendations when choosing an install a camera system.
– Be sure you can view your cameras on your mobile device. A lot of owners use this to make sure the employees are actually working when they are at the pharmacy.
– Your cameras DVR should record at least up to 2 months of footage onto the hard-drive.
– If your pharmacy is robbed the police will request you give them the video footage of the break-in so you should be familiar on how to operate the DVR.
– We always recommend an 8 camera system for pharmacies at 1000 sq/ft.. if larger you should consider additional cameras.
– When purchasing a camera system you will want to be sure some of the cameras are rated for outdoor use as well as indoor use. If you have a drive-thru you always want to put an outdoor camera there.
– When installing your DVR try to hide or install it in a locked area or high up. Often thieves and even employees will disable the camera system when trying to conceal something.
– Order an extra camera or two. Cameras are just like any other piece of technology they will eventually go bad and it’s nice to have an extra camera on hand for replacement.
Cost: Unless you want a high quality 4k camera system you can get by with a simple DVR camera system as long as your placement of your cameras are correct. Most DVR camera kits will cost between $500-800 for all the equipment.
Placement of cameras: Where you place your cameras are very important and here are some suggestions –
Drug bays should be covered at all angles, Control drugs or safe should have it’s own camera, all entry doors, your main workflow bench, and the Point of Sale area. Good placement of your cameras are key to an effective camera system
If you have issues we are here to help. We have installed camera systems in over 50 pharmacies and are experts on pharmacy security. Feel free to contact us with any questions. We travel on-site to your pharmacy.