Every pharmacy owner wants to gain a marketing edge against their competition. This is especially true if your pharmacy is in a competitive market. One way to stand out is with a custom prescriber prescription intake form for doctors. Not many pharmacy marketing plans include these intake forms, but yours should.

Compound pharmacy intake formWhat is a custom prescription intake form?

Unlike a typical intake form a patient fills out at the pharmacy. A custom prescriber intake form is a custom form for a prescriber by the pharmacy. These forms often have common medication listed on them. A prescriber can simply check the box for the medication that is needed, sign and fax back the form. These forms create an easy way for the prescriber to send a patients medication to the pharmacy.

Compounding and e-scribing

Another great reason to add intake forms to your pharmacy marketing plan – Compounding medication. Compounding isn’t as straight forward as e-scribing is. Compounds require unique strengths, ingredients and quantities. A custom prescriber intake form is perfect for this. The pharmacy can give the prescriber different custom compounding options on the intake form. The doctor can then check and fill in the blanks on strength, quantities, ingredients, refills, etc..

pharmacy intake prescription formStand out from the competition

Currently most pharmacy owners are creating these intake forms on word processors and are very simple and bland. ConfigRX can create custom intake forms that look professional and allows your pharmacy to stand out. Each form is custom for the prescriber with their information. The form is designed for the doctor to confidently check, sign and fax. If you would be interested in a custom prescriber intake form to add to your pharmacy marketing plan, contact us.

Online custom intake prescriber forms

Recently, we have heard from prescribers they would like the ability to request custom compound prescription electronically. This wasn’t possible until recently. ConfigRX has created a secure HIPAA complaint online portal where prescribers can log into and request refills. These refills are then e-mailed or printed at the pharmacy for filling. This is a great tool for any pharmacy to market to prescribers in their area. How do you know you’re ready to be your own boss and start a pharmacy? Easy, you keep thinking and dreaming about it. You’ve mentioned it to friends and done a bit of research, even reading this article! You want to break free and work for yourself but you convinced yourself it’s risky and confusing.

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